The concept of learning difficulties expresses the conditions that affect the way individuals perform brain activities such as reading, writing, speaking, and performing mathematical operations, and this problem occurs because of differences in the structure of the person’s brain, which leads to an effect on how information is processed within his brain. [1]
It can be inferred that a person suffers from a problem of learning difficulties in childhood, particularly when enrolling in school by facing a difficulty in one or more subjects and his inability to improve over time, and some people may suffer from the presence of many educational disabilities, and these difficulties may continue with the individual for the rest His life, but appropriate educational support for this case may reduce it. Learning difficulties are not considered one of the indicators of a person’s intelligence, nor do they reflect the learning problems that are caused by intellectual and developmental disabilities, emotional problems, or problems of vision, hearing and motor skills. [1]
Methods of dealing with learning difficulties
Addressing learning difficulties at school
Private education is the most prevalent method of treatment for the learning disability problem, and due to its importance, the United States law has established the right of children with this problem to receive free special education in government schools (IDEA), where a test is designed to determine the difficulty that suffers Including the child, then a special team of educators prepares an educational program that identifies the services that the child needs to face the difficulty and prepare him for school, and education specialists also help to strengthen the child’s strengths and rid him of weaknesses. [2]
Addressing learning difficulties outside of school
There are several other sources to address the problem of learning difficulties outside public schools, including: [2]
Private schools to address children’s learning difficulties.
Special programs given after school.
Homework lessons and psychotherapy services.
The role of parents in dealing with the child
Parents play an important role in helping the child to overcome the problem of learning difficulties, and here are some tips: [2]
Learn all the issues related to the difficulty of the child and its impact on the learning process, through research, means of support, and building the appropriate ability to play an effective role and take the appropriate decision to treat the child.
Communicate with the child’s school to develop the aforementioned individual education plan, and understand the laws regarding special education in the school to ensure that the child gets all he needs; sometimes the services provided are not provided without directly requesting them.
Ensure that the child is practicing healthy habits in his daily life, such as obtaining the sleeping hours he needs daily, eating healthy weighted food, and exercising regularly, as these healthy habits contribute to supporting the body and mind as well. [3]
The problem of learning difficulties may be negatively reflected in the child’s self-esteem, therefore you should pay attention to the child, monitor symptoms of depression such as the mood he feels, change his sleep habits and appetite, or not pay attention to the activities he usually performs. [3]
Note: Noting the potential signs that appear on a child with a learning disability problem may contribute to obtaining the help that the child needs as quickly as possible, therefore it is important to monitor the development of the child’s mental capabilities, such as delayed walking or speaking or facing social problems. [3]
Causes of the problem of learning difficulties
A person suffers from a problem with learning difficulties due to an imbalance in his brain development. This problem may occur before a person is born, during birth, or in early childhood stages. The following are some of the factors that affect brain development: [2]
Mother gets sick during pregnancy.
Problems occur during the birth process, which leads to stopping the supply of sufficient oxygen to the child’s brain.
Fetal development for specific genes.
Fetal inheritance of some of the genes that cause the problem of parents’ learning difficulties, and this condition is known as the inherited educational difficulties.
Illness or wounds in early childhood, such as meningitis.
Sometimes this problem is associated with another condition such as cerebral palsy or Down syndrome and autism, as children who suffer from these diseases are more likely to suffer from learning difficulties, in addition to that 30% of people with epilepsy suffer from learning difficulties as well. [2]
Signs of learning difficulties
Although the indications for learning difficulties vary from person to person, the following signs generally indicate this: [1]
- Difficulty in reading and writing.
- Problems using mathematical skills.
- Difficulty remembering things.
- Difficulty paying attention.
- Difficulty determining trends.
- Poor coordination.
- Difficulty understanding time-related terms.
- Difficulty staying organized.
One or more of the following behaviors may indicate that the child has this problem:
Providing inappropriate answers in school or social situations.
Finding difficulty in carrying out a task required of him, and giving up easily.
The difficulty in saying what he wants in the right way.
Inconsistent performance at school.
Difficulty listening well.
Difficulty facing new things in life.
Having trouble understanding words and concepts.
Note: All previous signs are not considered sufficient to determine whether or not a person suffers from a learning disability problem. Therefore, a special assessment must be made to verify this, and each difficulty has its own signs. It is worth noting that children who study in a language other than the mother tongue They may show signs of learning difficulties, so special testing is performed.
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