Every year, more than a million candidates take the IIT JEE exam. To take the IIT JEE Mains, students must prepare for at least two years, and only those who reach the cutoff can take the JEE Advanced. Numerous students break in a cold sweat due to the vast syllabus and tight competition. Even the toughest exams can be attempted with the right mindset and consistent study strategies. As we know that the correct preparation yields the right results, here are a few tips that can help you prepare yourself for the most crucial engineering entrance exam.
Your Timetable- To prepare all your timetables for days, weeks and months, you need to keep the following things in your mind:
- Moderate time-division- Divide the time moderately between physics, chemistry and maths.
- Clear session goals- To have productive and focused study sessions, clearly defined objectives are essential. It prevents you from steering away and provides a sense of purpose.
- Sufficient time allocated to each topic- Understand your capabilities and give enough time to each topic; especially the hard ones, so that you don’t feel burnt out or demotivated at the end of the day.
- Frequent breaks- Keep breaks frequently so that you can refresh and energise yourself.
- Revision- Keep a window for revising the previous day’s topics on every session.
- Sustainability- Make the timetable such that you can consistently follow it for a long time without feeling overwhelmed.
We are going to talk more elaborately about them further in the article.
Backlog- If you are in class 12th and have JEE doubts about class 11 topics, assign a few hours for studying topics of class 11 once every day or every week. You should try to cover at least five chapters, which should include chapters from class eleven, every week.
Don’t leave anything incomplete- Instead of starting a difficult chapter and leaving it halfway, do not leave any section unfinished. Focus on the same topic for 4-5 days. Here, you can revisit the previous concepts and revise them to retain them for a longer period.
Solid Foundation- You need to build a solid foundation for which you used to refer to the right resources. Studying from NCERT textbooks is imperative. You should try your best to solve all your doubts. You can also make use of apps like Doubt nut.
Take tests- Solving the paper on time is extremely crucial, so you need to prepare accordingly. As you go further in your preparation, try solving a sample paper by setting time in your stopwatch. Regular practice from the beginning will increase your speed and efficiency.
Revise- Go through the previous chapters daily and allocate at least 3-4 hours a week for revising the previous topic. Focus on the strenuous concepts and refer to the notes while you solve the CBSE doubts that you come across.
A consistent and smart study is the best way to crack any entrance exam, and IIT JEE is no exception.